Episode 146, Vic’s Basement – June 5, 2015

Today on Vic’s Basement, the three wise sages of everything cool attempt to thrill us with their acumen on several life-altering topics, including:
-Marissa’s Peruvian vacation
-Fallout 4
-Blake doesn’t have a microphone
-E3 2015 preparation
-E3 2015 predictions

-Half-Life 3 and Portal 3
-Star Wars: Battle Pod
-Snap Chat
-E3 on the ground
-Entourage movie
-James Wan?
-Ouya lolz
-The Rock in Big Trouble in Little China
-Question Lightning Round
-What are we playing this weekend?

Episode 144, Vic’s Basement – May 22, 2015

Vic and Marissa are out of town, so today in Vic’s Basement, Scott is joined by special guest Brian Provinciano, maker of Retro City Rampage! They discuss:
The release of Retro City Rampage
Indie game distribution
Batman: Arkham Knight
Scott’s lady drama
Phil Fish
Indie game development
Blake’s Destiny: House of Wolves rant
Mad Max: Fury Road and other new movies
Steam Early Access?
Sega and Sonic woes
Doom 4
What are we watching this weekend?

What are we playing this weekend?

Episode 143, Vic’s Basement – May 15, 2015

The most sophisticated cosmopolitans are all raving about Vic’s Basement! In our latest intellectual and learned offering, we discuss:
-The Kash for Kyle Charity Auction
-Playing games on airplanes
-The trend toward mobile gaming
-Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and breaking embargoes
-Mad Max: Fury Road
-George Miller and the Justice League
-Asa Butterfield as Spider-Man
-The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Jon Favreau
-Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl
-The valiant return of Steve Tilley and Raju Mudhar
-Star Wars: Rogue One and Diego Luna <3 -Konami moving towards mobile -E3 2015 -Question lightning round -What are we watching and playing this weekend?

Episode 142, Vic’s Basement May 8, 2015

Today’s Vic’s Basement features SPOILERS from The Avengers: Age of Ultron, along with the following topics:

Grouse Grind
Kash for Kyle auction
We have the best fans 😀
Joss Whedon Twitter controversy
Avengers: Infinity War shooting in IMAX
Scott doesn’t do Facebook right
Disney Infinity 3.0 with Star Wars
What do we want from rest of the year?
E3 2015
Nintendo attractions at Universal Studios
Toy Break
Superhero TV stuff
Indiana Jones 5
The X Files
Lightning Round
What are we playing this weekend?