Episode 39: Bioshock Songbird Unboxed and LucasArts Boxed Up

THIS WEEK: We tried to get Shaun Hatton as a guest on The Basement this week. You’d think that, since he works here, this would be no problem. WELL, AS IT TURNS OUT, THIS IS A PROBLEM. Shaun was apparently TOO BUSY to join us. Maybe we’ll all learn from our mistake and remember to book Shaun at least a week in advance in the future. Anyway, today’s 100-percent Shaun-free episode features a live, on-air un-boxing of the Ultimate Songbird Edition of BioShock: Infinite. Yes, it’s the world’s first audible un-boxing. Also, Vic and Scott have some somber news to report—LucasArts, which has been making games since 1982, closed its doors this week. Vic and Scott bid adieu to the old gray lady. Then Vic and Scott read some listener mail. And, as usual, it gets weird at the end. Oh, and buy your tickets for the CVA’s and/or Fan Expo Vancouver! Vic and Scott, and maybe Shaun Hatton, will be LIVE AND IN PERSON. Yes, the people on your TV and on your computer will be STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!

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