Episode 75, Ben in the Basement! Rocket and Raygun Awards, New Consoles

Ben Silverman Skypes into the basement all the way from Berkeley, California. Yes, Ben was the only member of “The Gang” who couldn’t make the trip to the studio for our annual Rocket & Raygun awards. All because he decided to make a baby about 10 months ago. So, instead of trying to get a word in edgewise between Jose’s impressions and Scott’s gassy monologues at the R & R’s, we decided to dedicate AN ENTIRE SHOW to his wisdom, his wit, and his lightning-quick brain. One thing is for sure: Ben knows games, as well as anyone on the planet does, and he proves that fact again and again in today’s metaphor-filled podcast. Let the Ben-quake begin by pressing the triangle over there.

Episode 74, A Foray into Basement Livestreaming, Loud Chip Eating

Vic forces Scott to “live stream” the show via the PlayStation 4. (Scott’s response: “DAMN YOU, VIC.”) So, the guys recorded the audio from the stream (which took place on Thursday), which explains why today’s show is so weird and filled with awkward pauses (and the sound of Vic and Scott enjoying gluten-free chips). Just know, in advance, what you’re listening to. Topics of conversation include our earliest gaming memories, which features Vic’s classic story of how he almost got arrested trying to bring a game console across the Canadian border. Also: Scott gripes about something. You know, he’s such a talented gripe-r, that it doesn’t really matter what Scott gripes about. Just press the thing over there, and start wading into the deep end of our “stream.”

Episode 73, Next-NEXT-Gen, Wii U, Twitch, Games

The smoke is still clearing on the console launch, and Vic and Scott stumble out of their next-next-gen haze and try to say something coherent about their next-next-gen feelings. Then, just when you think you’ve seen it all, surprise! The Wii U. makes an appearance on the show. Then Vic and Scott squabble over Twitch and other user-generated gaming streams. Vic sees the bright side; Scott, naturally, sees the dark side. Finally, Vic and Scott talk about Need For Speed: Rivals, Super Mario 3D World, and spend some time speculating on who will get drunk at this year’s holiday party. Give your brain an early Christmas present and LISTEN NOW.

Episode 72, Double Trouble: Consoles, Hunger Games, Hosts

Vic and Scott do a little premature post-mortem on the double console launch that we’ve endured/weathered over the last couple weeks. So, expect plenty of PS4 and Xbox One talk. Scott tells a story involving cats licking his feet. Finally, Vic and Scott go to war over the latest Hunger Games flick, Catching Fire. Vic had fun; Scott (a.k.a. Dr. Buzzkill) saw it as a way to grouse about the sad, sorry state of mass market entertainment. Anyway, give the show a listen. You’re going to love it. We promise.

Episode 71, PS4 Launch & We’re Kicking it in the 404 Podcast

Vic and Scott are in NYC for the ah-mazing PS4 launch. Since they’re traveling, they decided to do something a little strange. (Well, Scott’s always doing little strange things, but that’s a whole other story.) The Basement has decided to partner up with CNET’s excellent The 404 Show (http://cnettv.cnet.com/the-404/) for some Wonder Twins-style podcast-show action. (SHAPE OF…JEFF BAKALAR!) (FORM OF…JUSTIN, WHO IS NEVER ON THE 404 WHEN SCOTT IS ON THE SHOW FOR SOME REASON! WHUT UP WITH THAT, BRO?) Anyway, after some getting-to-know-you chit chat, the showstravaganza tackles subjects like the new consoles, super hero movies, and The Future Of Entertainment As We Know It. Listen and learn, young padawans.

Episode 70, PS4, Batman Voice Actor, iPad Air

Vic waxes poetic about the new iPad Air, which he travelled all the way to New York City to meet. (Yes, the two of them met at the top of the Empire State Building, and they kissed with fireworks going off in the background.) Vic, naturally, is into it; Scott, not so much. In fact, Scott is crabbier than usual on today’s episode. Just warning you ahead of time. The boys also discuss the PS4, the state of games in general, and the lukewarm critical reception that Batman: Arkham Origins has received. Then—holy irony, Batman—the guy who PLAYS Batman in the game shows up to talk—duh!—MORE BATMAN. Yes, it’s veteran voice actor Roger Craig Smith, who always played another hooded assassin in a recent series of games. Which one? Find out by doing a little clicky-clicky on the triangle over there.

Episode 69, Zombies, Capcom Vancouver, And Consoles!

Zombies are coming! But, before they arrive, Vic and Scott describe how excited they are for the next consoles. Yes, there is some squealing. Then Jason Leigh from Capcom Vancouver, makers of Dead Rising 3, joins us in The Basement. He offers plenty of insight into the making of the game, including plenty of behind-the-scenes stories. Finally, Vic and Scott say so long. And someone makes it weird at the end. WHO WILL IT BE? Listen, and find out.

Episode 68, Batman, Un-Boxing AC4: Black Flag, The Counselor

Vic confesses that he’s been spending a lot of time in the basement lately, ever since the new Batman game came out. (BATMAN!) And it really smells bad down there, as Scott can attest. Anyway, the boys talk Batman: Arkham Origins: Vic and Scott both love it, but Scott has some grousing to do anyway, per usual. (What a grump.) Other topics du jour: the new iPad, Ridley Scott’s latest movie The Counselor, and finally Vic does a live un-boxing of the collector’s edition of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Don’t miss it!

Warning: This Podcast May Contain NSFW (not safe for work) language.

Episode 67, NY Comic Con, Project Triforce Collectibles Interview

Scott is back from New York Comic Con, so, naturally, Vic has lots of questions, like, “Was Batman there? Was Hulk there? Was Poison Ivy there?” (Scott: “Yes. Yes. And yes.”) Scott also made new friends when he was in NYC: Drew and Rob from Project Triforce, makers of some of the finest videogame collectibles the world has ever seen (projecttriforce.com). Drew and Rob are guests on today’s podcast, and they are Skyping in, all the way from New York City. Also: Vic professes his love for Gene Kelly’s Singing In The Rain; Vic and Scott wax nostalgic over the TV Guide; Scott reveals the best place for pizza slices in all of New York City. In other words, this episode is bitchin’.

Warning: This Podcast May Contain NSFW (not safe for work) language.

Episode 66, SteamWorld Dig Questions ANSWERED, Gravity, and Machete Kills

This week, down in The Basement: The boys discover and excellent Nintendo 3DS game in the eShop titled Steamworld Dig (which they discussed in Tokyo a few weeks back). Well, thanks to the Internet, the game’s makers, Image & Form heard the ‘cast and reached out to us. So, all of your Steamworld Dig questions? ANSWERED ON TODAY’S SHOW. Scott and Vic also discuss the new films Gravity and Machete Kills. Then Scott tries to understand why everyone loves Sons Of Anarchy, because he really isn’t enjoying it very much at all. (Granted, he’s only three episodes in to Season 1.) Anyway, hell, click the thing already and let Vic and Scott’s melodic voices soothe your savage breast.

Warning: This Podcast May Contain NSFW (not safe for work) language.